Endorsers & Supporters
ARIM Endorsers & Supporters
Herman Aguinis, The George Washington University
John Antonakis, University of Lausanne
George Banks, UNC Charlotte
Donald Bergh, University of Denver
Joern Block, University of Trier
John Busenbark, University of Notre Dame
Kris Byron, Georgia State University
Andrea Caputo, University of Trento & University of Lincoln
Gino Cattani, Stern School of Business - NYU
Per Davidsson, Jönköping International Business School and QUT
Jeremy Dawson, University of Sheffield
Peer Fiss, University of Southern California
Allison Gabriel, Purdue University
Alfonso Gambardella, Bocconi University
William Gardner, Texas Tech University
Fabiola Gerpott, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Lindsey Greco, Oklahoma State University
Vishal Kumar Gupta, The University of Alabama
Aaron Hill, University of Florida
Andrew King, Boston University
Maria Kraimer, Rutgers University - SMLR
Tobias Kretschmer, LMU Munich
Michael Leiblein, Ohio State University
Chet Miller, University of Houston
Cornelia Niessen, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Michael Nippa, Free University of Bozen
Christopher Nye, Michigan State University
Gernot Pruschak, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Emily Redler, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Hettie Richardson, Texas Christian University
Chet Robie, Wilfrid Laurier University
Myles Shaver, University of Minnesota
Tim Simcoe, Boston Unviersity
William Starbuck, University of Oregon
Shirley Tang, Bocconi University
Anne Tsui, Arizona State University
Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Pengda Wang, Rice University
Johan Wiklund, Syracuse University
Zhen Zhang, Southern Methodist University
Betty Zhou, Texas A&M University