Doctoral Student Replication Studies Initiative
2024 Doctoral Student Replications Initiative in Management
The Advancement of Replications Initiative in Management (ARIM) invites doctoral students and their faculty mentors to collectively conduct and publish replications of the following studies.
Study 1: The Dark Side of Goal Setting
Replication of: Schweitzer, M. E., Ordóñez, L., & Douma, B. (2004). Goal setting as a motivator of unethical behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 47(3), 422-432.
Project Coordinator: Chris Castille, Nicholls State University
Study 2: Romance of Leadership
Replication of: Hammond, M. M., Schyns, B., Lester, G. V., Clapp-Smith, R., & Thomas, J. S. (2023). The romance of leadership: Rekindling the fire through replication of Meindl and Ehrlich. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(4), 101538.
Project Coordinator: Billy Obenauer, University of Maine
Study 3: Industry Cluster Dynamics
Replication of: Kim, M. J., Shaver, J. M., & Funk, R. J. (2022). From mass to motion: Conceptualizing and measuring the dynamics of industry clusters. Strategic Management Journal, 43(4), 822-846.
Project Coordinator: Andreas Schwab, Iowa State University
ARIM will coordinate multiple systematic exact and constructive replications of each of these studies by up to 10 teams of doctoral students and their faculty mentors. Teams will execute a coordinated set of replication studies starting this summer. In the fall, teams will share, analyze, and interpret the collected data before jointly submitting a corresponding paper for publication in a top management journal.
A member of the ARIM executive board who has experience conducting and publishing replication research will lead each of the three cohorts of student/mentor teams. The authors of the replicated studies have indicated their general support of these replication efforts.
If you are interested in participating or learning more about the 2024 ARIM Doctoral Student Replication Initiative, please indicate your interest using the link below.
More Information About ARIM
The Advancement of Replications Initiative in Management (ARIM; promotes and supports the execution and publication of replication studies by doctoral students and their mentors in the field of management.
Provide doctoral students with guidelines and other resources to design and execute high-quality replication studies.
Coordinate multiple replications of specific influential empirical studies by groups of doctoral students who then will jointly publish their findings in a single journal article.
Support the integration of replication studies as an educational tool into universities’ doctoral programs.
Doctoral Student Replication Studies
Scholars in the field of management agree on the value of replications, however, replications are rarely conducted due to a combination of lack of incentives and lack of experience in how to conduct them. Doctoral programs are in a unique position to help overcome both of these constraints
Doctoral programs can teach their students how to conduct replications. In addition, conducting an actual replication represents unique experiential learning opportunities for doctoral students who will gain a deep understanding of how to design, execute, and interpret empirical studies by using the original study as a template. In the process, they will also be introduced to the cumulative nature of scientific progress.
Thus, ARIM recommends that doctoral programs motivate their students (and mentors) to conduct a replication study either as a course assignment, summer research project, or part of their dissertation.
Replication Process Outline
Stage 1
ARIM executive and advisory board identify promising empirical studies that deserve systematic incremental replications by several doctoral student/mentor teams to validate and incrementally build theory. ARIM informs and solicits the support of the authors of the selected studies.
Stage 2
ARIM publishes a Call for Participation to teams of doctoral students and their mentors to apply for participation in one of the systematic replication efforts focused on the selected replication-deserving studies.
Stage 3
ARIM selects doctoral student/mentor teams for participation in the announced constructive replication efforts and coordinates meetings of all teams to determine and sign off on each team’s specific replication plan and create a corresponding author agreement. All replication studies will be pre-registered and documented using the OSF portal (similar to a proactive meta-analysis). The principal project coordinator will obtain a general IRB permit for the constructive replication project.
Stage 4
Doctoral student/mentor teams execute the data collection for their agreed-upon replication. Each team documents progress using OSF portal. ARIM and the authors of the original studies will provide support.
Stage 5
ARIM principal investigator, authors of the replicated study, and the doctoral/mentor teams will jointly analyze and interpret the replication data. This team will jointly create and submit a corresponding replication report for publication in a respected journal.
ARIM Resources
ARIM provides a platform to coordinate related activities across universities, academic associations, and other supporting institutions. Specifically, it offers:
Workshops and a mentor network to both teach and further develop best practices for replication studies.
Annual selection of a few replication-worthy studies and the coordination of their systematic exact and constructive replications by multiple student teams and their mentors.
Coordination of the joint publication of the replications focused on any of the annually selected studies in top-management journals.
Collaborations with leading academic associations and management journals to create opportunities to promote and enable high-quality doctoral student replications.
Annual award competitions to recognize the best doctoral replication studies.
Maintaining a website to support all these doctoral replication-focused activities to share any related resources.
These ARIM activities will contribute to establishing replication studies in the field of management by training and motivating an increasing number of management scholars to conduct replication studies.
Participation Opportunities
We are excited to present a myriad of participation opportunities at ARIM. We are actively seeking support from individuals and institutions in the following ways:
Scholars: We invite scholars to become founding members of ARIM and help establish and promote this initiative. Your expertise and guidance will be invaluable in shaping the future of ARIM.
Doctoral Students: We invite doctoral students who are interested in learning how to conduct and publish high-quality replication studies. Your involvement will provide a unique learning experience and opportunities to jointly publish replication findings in respected management journals.
Doctoral Programs: We encourage doctoral programs to consider integrating replication studies into their curriculum and to draw on ARIM resources to support their students.
Academic Associations, Journals, Publishers, and Other Institutions: We welcome support, sponsorship, and collaboration with academic associations, journals, publishers, and other institutions.
We look forward to your participation and support in making this initiative a success.
If you are interested in joining or learning more about ARIM, please contact:
Andreas Schwab, Iowa State University (
Christopher Castille, Nicholls State University (
William Obenauer, University of Maine (